September 2016

Das Lamrim-Meditationshandbuch
als Hörbuch (CD) - in Deutsch!

Die Drei Hauptaspekte des Pfades
Ebenso wird demnächst erscheinen:

Das Herzsutra -
Kommentar zum Sutra der Vollkommenheit der Weisheit
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Books and Sadhanas
in English
Buddhist Meditation Handbook on the Steps of the Path Lamrim
Lam Dechen Losang Chöma Rinpoche.
Explanations of preliminary practices
for Buddhist meditation, breathing
meditation and the meaning of rituals; the twenty-one Lamrim meditations; Sadhanas Ganden Lhagyama and Vajrasattva; Glossary
312 pages, Hardcover
19,00 €
plus shipping costs*
Learning at the feet of the Master
Memoires of the Thirteenth Kundeling Rinpoche. With biography. Stories of his own heartfelt devotion to his Spiritual Masters, the root of the path to enlightenment.
188 pages, Hardcover
16,00 €
plus shipping costs*
Longlife prayer of
Lama Dechen Losang Chöma Rinpoche
In German, English and Tibetan.
20 pages
4,00 €
plus shipping costs*
Longlife prayer of His Eminence
Jetsün Tenzin Tsugphue Sherab Gyaltsen
In German, English and Tibetan.
20 pages
4,00 €
plus shipping costs*
Short Sadhana of the Solitary Hero Yamantaka.
By Pabongka Rinpoche.
In German and English.
20 Seiten
4,00 €
plus shipping costs*
Vajrayogini - Short Sadhana
In German, English and Tibetan.
20 pages
4,00 €
plus shipping costs*
Lama Dechen Losang Chöma Rinpoche
Wisdom and Compassion -
The Genuine Solution
Weisheit und Mitgefühl -
Die herausragende Lösung
Speech on Vesak in Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008. In Deutsch und Englisch.
44 Seiten
4,00 €
zzgl. Versandkosten*
* The shipping costs are usually 4,00 € per order; apart from postage into countries other than Germany - we send you a message then about the shipping costs for your actual order.